History of the WSPBR


Troy Moseley, Morgan Saunders, Robert Long

  Mission Statement

The WSPBR is a non-profit whose mission is to keep the western heritage alive by allowing bull riders to
live out their dreams by continuing in the sport they love. We strive to emulate integrity, sportsmanship,
and accountability to upcoming riders.

History of the WSPBR

Before the inaugural season in 2009, three men had a passion of continuing their rodeo careers beyond
their prime.
As most know, being in your mid 30’s is considered “over the hill” for a bull rider. But, these men felt
that like themselves, there were other riders of age that still had a passion and drive for the sport. The
WSPBR was officially born.
Robert Long, Morgan Saunders and Troy Moseley are the Founding Fathers, of what is now considered,
the longest running and most competitive senior bull riding association in the world. Thus the name,
World Senior Professional Bull Riders Association.
With 30+ events per year and over 300 members, the WSPBR attracts bull riders from all over the
continental United States and beyond those borders. Membership cards are scattered from Texas,
Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Indiana, Virginia and Colorado. As
well as Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Canada and Australia.
All riders are competing for valuable points throughout the year in order to make the coveted World
Finals in November. Membership is open to anyone 35 and older and there are currently four different
age groups to compete in, 35-40, 41-46, 47-54 and 55 and over. All points lead to the title of World
Champion, one in each age group.
The dreams of these three individuals have kept the hopes and dreams alive of hundreds of bull riders
across the land. Their core values of faith, family and friends have been instilled in every member, past
and present, and will continue to grow and flourish for years to come.